Lunatics! is an original animated science-fiction series about the first permanent settlers on the Moon.
We are an independent, free-culture, open-movie production, made with open-source software, especially Blender.
Our episodes are released online without DRM under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license, and we actively encourage remixing and reusing our material, even for commercial purposes.
If you like our show and would like to see more of it (and faster), then please consider buying the official Creator-Endorsed Open Movie bundles or DVD Editions fo the show from us, or contribute directly through subscription, sponsorship, or donation.
Your support allows us the freedom to tell the story we want in the way we want without putting restrictions on sharing it. The more support we get, the more animators and other artists we can pay to get the show produced more quickly. Even a small amount helps, especially as we are just getting started.
Script Editor
Rosalyn Hunter
Terry Hancock
Character Designer
Daniel Fu
Character Models
Bela Szabo
Keneisha Perry
Andrew Pray
Character Rigging
Keneisha Perry
Mechanical Models
Chris Kuhn
Set Models
Sathish Kumar
Travis Souza
Johnathon Wilson
Chris Kuhn
Terry Hancock
Hiromi Lerner
Karrie Shirou
Rob Lerner
William Roberts
Anya Titova
Veronika Kurshinskaya
Josh Farmer
Allen Emerson
Paul Birchard
Tim Farmer
Lex Quarterman
Georgiana Lerner
Ariel Hancock
"Space Zine"
Elaine Walker
Performed by